Airsoft is a great sport and a lot of fun, but you NEED the right equipment to make sure you don't get hurt!
Number 1 on the list is Eye Protection [called Eye-Pro by a lot of the players and industry]. This is primarily full seal goggles or shooting glasses. I highly recommend the goggles myself. Goggles like the ones on the left are sold for shooting, paintball and airsoft. they are designed to give good peripheral vision and are impact rated to ANSI impact standard z.87.1. The impact rating is the most important part of the eye-pro as this determines if they will hold up to the impact of a BB or not. Goggles come in dozens [if not hundreds] of different styles. You can get them in a mesh covering, or even with fans to keep them from fogging.
Masks are also common and recommended for anyone who may want to keep a shot to the mouth from chipping a tooth or giving you a new piercing. Masks come in a bunch of styles too. Mesh masks, and paintball masks as well as other styles in weird and funky styles.
Mesh goggles
You can even find some that make you wonder about the sanity of the person using the mask...
where can i get the last one
ReplyDeletevery interesting keep posting. Laser Eye Surgery Michigan