Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One step closer to defeating SB798

California Senate Bill 798 was introduced by Senator Kevin de Leon (http://sd22.senate.ca.gov/) and passed the Senate Public Safety Committee by a 3 to 2 vote on March 26. This bill, if passed, would prohibit "the sale, manufacture, transportation, receipt, or distribution of imitation firearms for commercial purposes" unless "the entire exterior surface of the device is white, bright red, bright orange, bright yellow, bright green, bright blue, bright pink, or bright purple, either singly or as the predominant color in combination with other colors in any pattern, as provided by federal regulations governing imitation firearms, or where the entire device is constructed of transparent or translucent materials which permits unmistakable observation of the device's complete contents, as provided by federal regulations
governing imitation firearms."


The Bill was sent back to the Senate Public Safety Committee last week after the first reading to the house.  Today the bill was pulled from consideration by  Senator de Leon after it looked like it might fail to leave the Senate Public Safety Committee for consideration by the full assembly.

Please see this article on Capitol Public Radio's website:  http://www.capradio.org/articles/2011/06/21/assembly-committee-says-bb-gun-bill-misses-mark  

THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE BILL IS DEAD...  not yet anyway.  They have until Monday to resubmit the bill.  If that deadline passes, they then have until January to resubmit a modified version of the bill.  Then they do have the option to submit a new bill after that at any time.

This does mean that we are one step closer to seeing SB798 die on the vine!

Thank you to anyone who pitched in and supported the campaign against this bill.

The Gobbo

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